About Us

The Canadian Pathology Quality Assurance – Assurance qualité canadienne en pathologie (CPQA-AQCP) is a non-profit corporation dedicated to ensuring quality biomarker testing in medical diagnostic laboratories. We provide proficiency testing, as well as assistance with biomarker optimization and validation if we can. To join the mailing list, opt-in here.

M1 CRC Challenge Publication

Results from the inaugural CPQA-AQCP molecular pathology challenge for colorectal carcinoma were recently published in the Journal of Molecular Pathology. Congratulations to Dr. Brandon Sheffield, Kassandra Bisson, and the assessment team!

Website & Email Interruptions

We are currently experiencing technical issues with both the website and email communications. The website has now been restored, but we continue to troubleshoot disruptions in our email communications. Apologies for any inconvenience.